Neck and Arm Pain


Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection

A cervical intralaminar epidural steroid injection is a simple procedure for treating neck, upper back, shoulder, and arm pain. Click below for more information.

Cervical Facet Joint Injection

A cervical facet injection is a simple procedure for treating headaches, and neck, shoulder, and upper back pain. Click below for more information.

Cervical Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

cervical radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a procedure for treating neck, shoulder, and upper back pain. It is also called cervical facet thermal coagulation or rhizotomy. Click below for more information.

Cervical Transforaminal Steroid Injection

A transforaminal cervical epidural steroid injection is a simple procedure for treating neck, upper back, shoulder, and arm pain. Your doctor can explain if it is right for you. Click below for more information.

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